Saturday, April 17, 2010

Interactive Ads

Apple is introducing iAd and promising about one billion ad impressions in the iPhone community. That's quite the promise. OK, maybe not promise, but Steve Jobs sure made it sound like it.

It's true that that interactive ads are a bit more interesting, but I have never clicked on any interactive ads in my life on the web. How is this going to be any different? Unless they make those ads automatically pop up on your phone, I don't know if people are really going to be interacting with them. What I do like though, is that this will help keep the apps free.

Now, this interactive billboard below is kind of a good, yet creepy idea of what advertising might become.

But hey, maybe people won't touch these ads because so many people have touched them before. I sure wouldn't touch a screen that has a bunch of nasty fingerprints on it. Or maybe someone will throw a rock at it. You could always pay the squeegee kids to clean the ads all the time. Remember, you read the squeegee kid idea here first.


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